Projects & Resources World Languages

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Student to Student Language Lab

The Student to Student Language Lab is a set of 55 multimedia Mandarin Chinese lessons featuring middle and high school students from various regions of China. The lessons range in proficiency level from Novice-High to Intermediate-High. The resource is free. 

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Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration

The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing learning in various subjects through collaborative technologies. In addition to offering schools and teachers content resources and consulting to improve learning through collaboration, the site also allows teachers to search for local and global collaborative projects in and outside of the U.S.A.…

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Micro-credentials for Global Competence

Educators engage in both formal and informal professional learning activities but are rarely recognized for their informal learning. Micro-credentials do! They are a natural extension of educators’ professional learning journeys: competency-based, on-demand, personalized, and sharable. World Savvy, in partnership with Digital Promise Global, developed an initial stack of eight micro-credentials…

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Social Good in The Classroom

There are more than 50 million public school students in the United States, and more than three million full-time public school teachers. This collective group is a powerful force, and has a unique ability and opportunity to create positive change in classrooms, schools and surrounding communities. To help solve the world’s biggest challenges, we must encourage students to be critical, active…

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Created by two teachers, #GlobalSpeedChat is a curriculum that includes quick, easy (ready to go), digital activities that teachers, school leaders, and club organizers can do with their students to build an awareness of others in our world. We believe that the best way for kids to really get to know each other is to give them opportunities to collaborate--do something together. Through this,…

Global Art Exchange

K-12 Global Art Exchange

K-12 students exchange original artwork with their peers in schools around the world and, in some cases, complete follow-up VoiceThread conversations with a partner class. Since 2009, over 32,000 children from 67 countries have directly participated and another 350,000 students have seen program art displays in their schools.

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Climate Action

Fact: Our climate is changing! This is not a hoax! For this inspiring global project 250 schools over 69 countries will collaborate on climate change topics over the course of four exciting weeks! Students from across six different continents will conduct research, brainstorm and discuss ideas, present and share their findings about these topics via videos and online presentations. During the…


ePals Global Community

ePals connects users from around the globe, providing the tools and meeting places to create a worldwide community of learners. The tools include ePals SchoolMail™ and ePals Global Community™ as well as built-in language translation designed for schools. Whether you want project ideas for your class-to-class partnership, or discussion areas where you can contribute your views on a matter, ePals…

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Kids on Earth

Kids on Earth is a collaborative effort with educators, nonprofits, and NGOs around the world.  Mostly, we interview children and teenagers from 8 years old to 15 years old. Old enough to be able to tell a good story. Young enough to still be considered a kid.  We spend nearly a half hour with every interviewee, then edit the material so it can be watched in 1-6 minute segments. You can watch all…

CAPspace Global Organization and Network

CAPspace (Collaborations Around the Planet) is a social networking tool for educational videoconferencing. Register and login to find colleagues and schools interested in collaborative videoconference (H.323 and H.320) projects. Create and advertise your own collaborative videoconference projects to educators around the world. CAPspace also provides registration for collaborative events and…

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Heritage Around the World

Heritage Around the World is a project that enables students to share the heritage of their country. The project is open to all ages from primary to secondary school. The participants choose a topic relating to their country's heritage and illustrate the topic through descriptions, articles, films, videos, and audio documents.The Heritage can include culture heritage, including architecture,…

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Connection across borders

I teach French to grades 8 through 12 and would like to set up "penpal" exchanges between my class of 10 10th graders and French or francophone 10th graders in either France or another francophone country.