Projects & Resources 12-14 (Middle)

Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration
The Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration (CILC) is a nonprofit dedicated to advancing learning in various subjects through collaborative technologies. In addition to offering schools and teachers content resources and consulting to improve learning through collaboration, the site also allows teachers to search for local and global collaborative projects in and outside of the U.S.A.…
Teacher's Guide to Online Collaboration and Global Projects
The iEARN Teacher’s Guide to Online Collaboration & Global Projects is a resource designed to guide educators through the steps of planning and conducting an online, collaborative project with classrooms around the world. This online guide includes nine modules to help teachers plan and develop an iEARN project. Each module includes reflection activities to develop a project plan and…
UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network
The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) links educational institutions across the world around a common goal: to build peace in the minds of children and young people. The 10,000 ASPnet member schools in over 180 countries work in support of international understanding, peace, intercultural dialogue, sustainable development and quality education in practice.Global Education Series - Films and Lesson Plans
Journeys in Film has selected quality, age-appropriate documentaries and foreign films which offer windows into our world, to the unique traditions, societies, values and humor of various countries, cultures, and even sub-cultures within our own country. The films not only transport students beyond borders and boundaries; they move beyond lectures and textbooks to provide insight, transform…Learning Studios Teacher Guide & Project Library
In the Learning Studio program, learners define the problems they want to solve and design solutions to address them. Leveraging powerful technology, students engage in activities and projects that expose them to skills and concepts such as design thinking, three dimensional design, and social entrepreneurship. All educators can access the Teacher Guide & Project Library, which provides…
Primary Source
We collaborate with teachers, schools, and educational organizations to offer professional development courses and resources that help make global education an integral part of every student's classroom experience. Our engaging face-to-face and online programs, curriculum resources, and international study tours enhance global understanding and help thousands of teachers every year bring the…World's Largest Lesson
In September 2015 World Leaders committed to the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. 17 goals to achieve 3 extraordinary things in the next 15 years. End extreme poverty. Fight inequality and injustice. Fix climate change. The World's Largest Lesson is an initiative to teach children all over the world about the Sustainable Development Goals and encourage them as "Goal Champions" to become…
Social Good in The Classroom
There are more than 50 million public school students in the United States, and more than three million full-time public school teachers. This collective group is a powerful force, and has a unique ability and opportunity to create positive change in classrooms, schools and surrounding communities. To help solve the world’s biggest challenges, we must encourage students to be critical, active…ArtLink Program - Student Art Archive
ArtLink is Creative Connections’ international exchange program designed for 3rd – 12th grade classes.Students create art pieces that reflect their life and culture, and exchange their work with a partner class in another country. Students then examine and enjoy the art from overseas, gaining new insights into both their own and their partner’s cultures. Finally, students share their insights…
Created by two teachers, #GlobalSpeedChat is a curriculum that includes quick, easy (ready to go), digital activities that teachers, school leaders, and club organizers can do with their students to build an awareness of others in our world. We believe that the best way for kids to really get to know each other is to give them opportunities to collaborate--do something together. Through this,…
Global Youth Debates
Global Youth Debates is a global collaborative project created around research and formal debating. It uses Web 2.0 tools to join students from diverse cultures for authentic debate. It fosters global competence and international mindedness and online communication skills. Global Youth Debates joins school debate teams in a community of learners around a theme and debate topic. Asynchronous…
K-12 Global Art Exchange
K-12 students exchange original artwork with their peers in schools around the world and, in some cases, complete follow-up VoiceThread conversations with a partner class. Since 2009, over 32,000 children from 67 countries have directly participated and another 350,000 students have seen program art displays in their schools.
Classroom Conversations with the World
Classroom Conversations with the World matches registered classes with a global partner class (or classes) of the same grade range for an asynchronous VoiceThread conversation. A VoiceThread conversation is a web-based application where media is the center of the conversation. Participating classes explore their curriculum with their global peers. Specific guidelines are provided. Participation…
Rock Our World
Since 2004 we have been connecting students and teachers to collaborate in composing original music, making movies, and meeting each other in live video chats. Using Apple’s GarageBand, each country creates a 30 second drum beat. Every Friday, that drum rotates to another country, where the bass guitar is added. It keeps getting passed along, from country to country. At each stop, one more…
Partner School Science Program (PSSP)
PSSP is a perfect example of Global Friendship in action. Since 2002, GFTSE and the PSSP have been bringing together science classrooms from around the world, using a common interest in space science and space travel that is shared amongst all participants. Using effective NASA based learning materials and project based teaching methods – to open communication, appreciation, and understanding…
1-Click Campaigns
Roots & Shoots is about making positive change happen for people, animals, and the environment. Get to knowthe 4-step Roots & Shoots Formula for identifying and completing a service campaign in your community.
Global Read Aloud
The project was created in 2010 with a simple goal in mind; one book to connect the world. From its humble beginnings, the GRA has grown to make a truly global connection with more than 2,000,000 students having participated. The premise is simple; we pick a book to read aloud to our students during a set 6-week period and during that time we try to make as many global connections as possible.…
Amazing Race Project
An interactive map with placeholders that once clicked, takes users to a Google Slide Show for the city/region/country. Each pit stop has both informational and quiz elements. Once Google Form quizzes are complete, users can provide an email address where they will be sent a "passport stamp" for their travel around the world. More pit stops and travel = more stamps!
Online Model United Nations
MUN believes in democratizing the availability of the Model United Nations experience, to engage all students in the collaborative process of problem solving and consensus building, and to foster leadership and positive engagement through the discussion and debate of the world’s most pressing problems. MUN believes that there is inherent worth in bringing together diverse groups of students,…
Journal Swap for Peace
The Journal Swap for Peace is a project designed to create cultural awareness, empathy among peers and to promote communication and literacy. This project emphasizes self-awareness and organizational writing skills through journaling about daily life. Through the exploration and documentation of our individual occurrences and then the sharing/swapping of these journals, students understand ways…
ArtLink Program
ArtLink is Creative Connections’ international exchange program designed for 3rd – 12th grade classes.Students create art pieces that reflect their life and culture, and exchange their work with a partner class in another country. Students then examine and enjoy the art from overseas, gaining new insights into both their own and their partner’s cultures. Finally, students share their insights…
Climate Action
Fact: Our climate is changing! This is not a hoax! For this inspiring global project 250 schools over 69 countries will collaborate on climate change topics over the course of four exciting weeks! Students from across six different continents will conduct research, brainstorm and discuss ideas, present and share their findings about these topics via videos and online presentations. During the…
AFS-USA Teacher's Toolbox
Free lesson plans and digital resources for teaching Global Competency in your classroom. Topics cover: Human Rights, Cultural Studies, Global Awareness, STEM Education, Social Activism, and Intercultural Learning.
ePals Global Community
ePals connects users from around the globe, providing the tools and meeting places to create a worldwide community of learners. The tools include ePals SchoolMail™ and ePals Global Community™ as well as built-in language translation designed for schools. Whether you want project ideas for your class-to-class partnership, or discussion areas where you can contribute your views on a matter, ePals…
Middlebury Interactive Languages Curriculum
Middlebury Interactive Languages is the academic leader in digital language learning for K-12 students. We provide access to superior world language and English Language Learner curriculum solutions that prepare students with the skills and cultural understanding to compete in the 21st Century global marketplace. Middlebury Interactive has taken principles of Middlebury College's renowned world…
#Decarbonize: Decolonize - Art, the UN, Climate Change & Indigenous Peoples
Have your student's art and Climate Action projects featured at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, in November (2017). Join 20 countries, the Great Barrier Reef, Polar Bears International and 1000's of students as schools share and collaborate around Art and Climate Action projects in advance of the UN Conference. Through the use of the Global Gallery, classrooms will be able to…
Kids on Earth
Kids on Earth is a collaborative effort with educators, nonprofits, and NGOs around the world. Mostly, we interview children and teenagers from 8 years old to 15 years old. Old enough to be able to tell a good story. Young enough to still be considered a kid. We spend nearly a half hour with every interviewee, then edit the material so it can be watched in 1-6 minute segments. You can watch all…
Flat Connections Global Project
The Flat Connections Global Project, a fully supported and managed global collaborative is the ultimate online experience for middle and high school students (typically grade/year 9-12, 14-18 years old). It challenges all learners to connect and communicate beyond their immediate classroom and school. It also encourages collaboration and co-creation of final artifacts as well as student…
Digiteen and Digitween Project
Digiteen Project for 13 years and older and the Digitween Project for under 13 years study digital citizenship and promote effective and responsible online choices as well as immersing students into an online educational community for learning and collaborating. Students in the Digiteen-Digitween Project research current topics to do with digital citizenship, co-write a collaborative report and…
Global Education Motivators (GEM) Resources
Global Education Motivators (GEM) works to compile up-to-date information about a variety of global topics, conferences, curriculum, and the United Nations (UN). The Educator Resources section includes information about curriculum, conferences, classroom resources, and more. The Global Resources section includes articles, tools, websites and other resources that will connect you to the…
Intercultural Virtual Exchange of Classroom Activities (IVECA)
Intercultural Virtual Exchange of Classroom Activities (IVECA) is an online classroom exchange program in which K-12 school students in different countries share what they study and everyday life through a Web platform. Students in different countries perform individual and group projects in their classrooms according to the weekly activity topics provided by the IVECA Virtual Classrooms.…
Global Education and Equitable Preparation: An Educator's Digest
9 in 10 students recognize that jobs are becoming increasingly international and believe they will be stronger employees with better understanding of different cultures. The 21st Century student will sell to the world, buy from the world, compete with people from other countries, collaborate with people all over the world, and solve global problems. Equipping students to compete globally is…
Reach the World Journeys
World travelers share the story of their journeys with readers through logbooks, journals, field notes, and albums.
Know Your World Initiative Hot Topic Global Dialogues
The Know Your World Initiative (KYWI) Hot Topic Global Dialogues engage students in discussions on challenging and thought-provoking global issues such as: the refugee crisis, land disputes, energy and the economy, and using real-world country case studies. This helps student learn how to: Examine the impact of potential “solutions” to real-world issues from multiple points of view by answering…
Holiday Card Exchange Project
Teachers and students prepare an envelope with holiday cards to send to the other participants between October - December. Students may send Chinese New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Eid greeting cards or cards that show local celebrations during December or January. Each school will be placed in a group with approximately seven other schools and will prepare either handmade or purchased…
Learning Circles
iEARN Global Learning Circles are highly interactive, project-based partnerships among a small number of schools located throughout the world. There are two sessions each year, September - January and January - May. Learning Circles join together a group of five to six schools on one of the following themes: Computer Chronicles: Promotes writing across the curriculum. Interaction online revolves…
Ositos de Peluche
Un proyecto colaborativo, desarrollado a través de email, para los chicos de todo el mundo. Ositos de Peluche es un proyecto colaborativo de alcance internacional que fue ideado por la profesora australiana Muriel Wells miembro de la red iEARN Australia (http://www.iearn.org.au) en 1996 y que tiene gran aceptación en aulas de nivel inicial y primer ciclo de nivel primario. A lo largo de los años,…
Girl Rising - Education for All
1) Participants are encouraged to watch "Girl Rising" (or excerpted chapters at: Nepal Chapter http://youtu.be/Hk2Q7WLzn0s and Peru Chapter http://youtu.be/7P6nL7PXILw if the full DVD is not available) and, then have their students share their reflections after watching it by posting to the Girl Rising forum on iEARN. [NOTE - Through a partnership with GCE-US (Global Campaign for Education - US),…
Teddy Bear Project
This project is an international teddy bear exchange using email and/or web forums. This project aims to foster tolerance and understanding of cultures other than your own. After teachers register, the facilitator matches you with a partner class. Once paired, classes send each other a Teddy Bear or other soft toy by airmail through the normal postal system. The bear sends home diary messages by…
Global Art: A Sense of Caring
The purpose of this project is to support youth to exchange digital photos/artwork and writing on the theme of caring. Students in participating schools and communities write a story or a poem on his/her ideas of caring. Student then create an artwork according to the story. Students then design a class Service Learning project that demonstrates caring for others and take action to benefit their…
Local History Project
Local History is the history of our home places which can also include the history of our families, descriptions of traditions, country cuisine and folklore. The Local History Project is a teacher-directed collaborative project in which students research the history of their communities and share their findings with their global peers. The Local History Project enables the youth and teachers to…
Heritage Around the World
Heritage Around the World is a project that enables students to share the heritage of their country. The project is open to all ages from primary to secondary school. The participants choose a topic relating to their country's heritage and illustrate the topic through descriptions, articles, films, videos, and audio documents.The Heritage can include culture heritage, including architecture,…
Solar Explorers
In the Solar Explorers project, students research alternative energy sources with a focus on solar energy, looking at the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7; and then design, construct and test a solar cooker as an example of alternative energy use and compare their results with other schools. The project includes five main activities: Activity 1: IntroductionEach school will write an introduction…
Finding Solutions to Hunger
Finding Solutions to Hunger is a project in which students of all ages begin to understand the root causes of hunger in the world and to take meaningful action for its elimination. Aligned with the second UN Sustainable Development Goal, to end hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, students of all ages, grade levels and English speaking/writing…
Daffodils and Tulips
Students in different parts of the world plant bulbs at the same time and collect data on various parameters (latitude, longitude, sunlight, temperature, etc.), as well as track when they blossom. Classrooms around the world choose either Daffodil and/or Tulip bulbs to plant during the same week in November. Students will be asked to collect temperature data throughout the experiment and report…
My Identity, Your Identity Culture Project
In the My Identity, Your Identity Project, students are encouraged to explore and research the elements that form their identities. These elements include the traditions and the famous landmarks in their communities, which are parts of their cultures and identities. Students talk about the traditional celebrations they have and how they celebrate them, including the kinds of clothes they wear,…
Talking Kites Around the World
Students make kites to fly as a massive tribute dedicated to advancing cultural and social dialogue, a symbol of bridging the gap and understanding the "other." This will hopefully become a continuous tradition of flying kites with personal and group images of our dreams for a better world, a world of co-existence, tolerance, acceptance of the "other" and peace or about children’s rights. Each…
One Day in the Life
One Day in the Life is a project in which students exchange photographs/images describing days in their lives, and then make cross-cultural comparisons. Students may discuss aspects of a typical day (like visiting the market or going to school) or they may document special days (like vacations, birthdays, celebrations, or holidays.) While writing is often an important component of student…